Trigger Point Therapy

What is Trigger Point Therapy?

Trigger Point Therapy is either a manual, or instrument-assisted therapy used by our licensed chiropractors on the belly of larger muscle groups to reduce local spots of inflammation within the muscle, called trigger points. There are a number of different Trigger Point Therapies used by our licensed Dripping Springs chiropractors at Evolve Chiropractic.

Why Do Chiropractors Use Trigger Point Therapy?

HawkGrips Treatment

At Evolve Chiropractic, our Dripping Springs chiropractors use Trigger Point Therapy to improve the efficiency of our adjustment, improve posture, improve muscular force and efficiency, and decrease pain when going through full active range of motion or sport-specific motions. Our chiropractors consistently utilize Trigger Point Therapy to make sure your muscles are working properly. It is the gold-standard in evidence based Chiropractic Care to provide trigger point therapy in conjunction with the adjustment.

What Types Of Trigger Point Therapy Are Used At Evolve Chiropractic?

Trigger Point Therapy

Aside from Dry Needling Therapy and Cupping Therapy, there are two main forms of Trigger Point Therapy our Dripping Springs chiropractors commonly use at Evolve Chiropractic. These include Manual Trigger Point Release - Pin and Stretch Technique, and Instrument Assisted Trigger Point Release - HawkGrips Therapy, and Vertiball Therapy.

Pin and Stretch Technique is when our licensed Dripping Springs chiropractor has their patient actively contract the targeted muscle, then our Dripping Springs chiropractor uses his hand to pin the muscle down, and asks his patient to actively stretch the targeted muscle, while pinned, to their level of comfort.

HawkGrips Therapy is an instrument assisted release therapy, where a licensed chiropractor utilizes smooth metal tools with beveled edges to release the targeted muscle with varying pressures and stroke techniques depending on the area of the body involved.

Vertiball Therapy is our gold-standard home therapy, for patients to do active care on their own! The Vertiball Unit attaches to any smooth surface, and allows patients to perform pin and stretch techniques on themselves in varying positions to provide relief throughout the day between visits to Evolve Chiropractic.

Is Trigger Point Therapy Painful?

While Trigger Point Therapy can be intense, due to the necessity of pressure to create an effective treatment, most patients find that it is a “good pain” that is followed by significant relief once the treatment pressure is released. Some forms of Trigger Point Therapy can leave bruising on the skin, however there are very few instances of lingering pain after trigger point therapy, especially when combined with adequate hydration.

Similar to adjusting, our chiropractors always begins trigger point therapy very gently, and ramps up care based on your tolerance of treatment and presentation when in the clinic.