Functional Taping

Functional Taping Evolve Chiropractic Dripping Springs, TX

Evolve Chiropractic utilizes functional taping or kinesiology taping during all phases of our sports medicine treatment protocol. Not only does taping yield a sporty aesthetic, it also possesses many great benefits to both the competitive athlete patient, and the nine to five working patient.

What Are The Benefits of Taping?

Rock Tape Evolve Chiropractic Dripping Springs, TX

Taping has a wide range of benefits, and Evolve Chiropractic utilizes taping for each individual differently based on their needs, and clinical presentation. For the competitive athlete, functional taping can improve stability and proprioception - which is our body’s ability to sense position in space, improve muscular engagement in the area being taped, improve performance, improve circulation, decrease inflammation, and decrease painful ranges or arcs of motion.
For the nine to five worker, functional taping can improve posture, improve soft tissue mobility, increase joint space via traction, decrease or manage scar formation, and decrease inflammation and pain from overuse or repetitive motion traumas.
Kinesiology tape is also waterproof, and has a strong adhesive bond, which allows it to last and provide benefits for our patients for up to five (5) days.
Overall, kinesiology taping is a very useful treatment modality for any patient that walks into Evolve Chiropractic.

Is Functional Taping Safe To Use?

Yes! Functional taping or kinesiology taping is safe for use for almost the entire population. There are certain subsets of individuals who may be allergic to the adhesive, however in most cases taping is safe and effective for use. Evolve Chiropractic never uses taping when there are open wounds on the skin, fragile skin conditions present, or neuropathy in the area.

How Long Should I Keep My Tape On?

Functional Taping, Kinesiology Taping, Rock Tape Evolve Chiropractic Dripping Springs, TX

Kinesiology tape is composed of a water-resistant fabric material and medical-grade adhesive that allows you to wear your tape for three to five days. We recommend taking the tape off after five days to reapply a fresh set.