Cupping Therapy

What is Cupping Therapy?

Cupping Therapy Equipment

Cupping Therapy is the use of silicone, plastic, or glass cups to improve range of motion, improve muscular efficiency, improve lymphatic drainage, improve nutrient retrieval by tissues, improve waste removal from tissues, decrease pain, and decrease inflammation. Cupping Therapy is used commonly in the Rehabilitation Phase of care at Evolve Chiropractic.

How Does Cupping Therapy Work?

Cupping Therapy utilizes a vacuum pressure or reverse pressure on the targeted area. This vacuum pressure pulls inflammation out of tissues, and increases blood and lymphatic flow to the area, especially after release of the cups, which helps to transport nutrients to the affected area, and remove waste products from the affected area. After Cupping Therapy Treatment most patients also experience increased range of motion and a feeling of tissues “gliding” across each other as opposed to “sticking” to each other with motion.

Does Cupping Hurt?

Generally Speaking, Cupping Therapy should not be painful at all. Some patients experience a tingling sensation with cupping, but most do not experience any pain unless the pressure on the cups is too high. There can sometimes be sensitivity over areas that receive Cupping Therapy, however that sensitivity is generally unnoticed until excessive pressure is placed upon the affected area. At Evolve Chiropractic, our licensed chiropractors start Cupping Therapy Treatment quite gently, and increase treatment based on patient tolerance to care, and presentation while in the clinic.

What Are Those Circles I See On My Skin After Treatment?

Cupping Therapy Treatment

The simple answer: just a minor side effect of Cupping Therapy! Cupping Therapy generally does produce a minor bruising that is evident on the skin because of the inflammation being pulled out of tissues in the affected area. Don’t let this scare you - these marks are actually a sign of an effective Cupping Therapy Treatment.

How Can I Get Cupping Therapy At Evolve Chiropractic?

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